This sheet is about exposure to vaccines in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This information should not take the place of medical care and advice from your healthcare provider. What are vaccines? Vaccines help protect you from diseases. Vaccines cause your body’s immune system to make antibodies against bacteria or viruses. Once these antibodies are made, your body has an easier job of stopping you from getting sick if you are exposed to these bacteria or viruses in the future. Most …
Search Results for: vaccines
Ongoing Study: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
Did you receive a dose in the last 2 months while pregnant?Since COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) became available, we’ve been enrolling pregnant people who received the vaccine into an observational study. The study has helped provide critical information to future moms-to-be and the medical community about the use of these vaccines during pregnancy. But there’s more to learn!We’re currently looking for people who received a dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in the last 2 …
Baby Blog: Immunization Education: Everything You Need to Know About Vaccines Before and During Pregnancy
Melissa, pregnant for the first time, live chatted with MotherToBaby through our website: “Hi, I’m 29 weeks pregnant and wondering about vaccines. I have seen so many different things online and I am worried about getting really sick while I’m pregnant. Can you help?”Melissa is not alone. Many people contact MotherToBaby to find the most up-to-date information about vaccines during pregnancy. Protecting yourself from circulating viruses can also help protect your developing baby. Infections such …
Baby Blog: Kids, Pregnancy, and the Latest on COVID-19 Vaccines
By Kirstie Perrotta, MPH, MotherToBaby California and Lorrie Harris-Sagaribay, MPH, MotherToBaby North CarolinaWith schools back in full swing, fall activities underway, and children gathered once again in classrooms and other indoor settings, parents—including those who are pregnant—have renewed questions about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines. MotherToBaby is seeing an increase in questions from pregnant people who want to protect themselves and their families as much as possible. Although more …
Podcast: Episode 6: Vaccine Questions during Breastfeeding Answered
Are vaccines ok to get during breastfeeding? Which vaccines should a mother get? Do vaccines cause autism? What does the research show? World-renowned pediatrician, clinical geneticist and professor at the University of Florida, Sonja Rasmussen, MD, and Kerri Bertrand, MPH of MotherToBaby California and the Mommy's Milk research project join host Chris Stallman, CGC live from MotherToBaby's Annual Meeting in San Diego to debunk popular myths about vaccines during pregnancy and while …