Download Important Resources Today
The educational tools below offer more information about important exposure topics during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Developed in collaboration with partners who are topic experts, these free resources are available for download and sharing. To view or download infographics in your preferred language, click the corresponding button. For additional details about specific exposures, explore our resource hubs, fact sheets, Baby Blog, and the MotherToBaby Podcast.
Radiation and Pregnancy Infographic
Please see the Radiation and Pregnancy infographic that describes common sources of radiation exposure, in collaboration with the Health Physics Society. The infographic provides a simple, effective way to communicate a complex topic, and offers clarity about whether or not different sources of radiation might be a concern during pregnancy.
Visit our additional resources on radiation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Vaccines In Pregnancy Infographic
Please see the Vaccines in Pregnancy infographic that describes vaccines that are recommended during pregnancy to protect you and your baby from serious illnesses. The infographic provides information in plain language about the risks of respiratory viruses like flu and COVID-19, the benefits of vaccination, and specific timing for when to get the flu shot, COVID-19 vaccine, RSV vaccine, and Tdap vaccine during pregnancy.
Visit our additional resources on vaccines during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Medication Safety Tips Sheet
Please see the Medication Safety Tips sheet that provides suggestions to help prevent medication mistakes and what to consider before using supplements during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This information is provided by MotherToBaby in collaboration with the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center.
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