In this episode, Jenn Wisdahl, Chief Operating Officer at the non-profit FASD United, and Laura Bousquet, a mother to a young adult son diagnosed with FASD in his teens, join host Chris Stallman, CGC to discuss challenges many families with lived FASD experience face. Wisdahl leads FASD United's legislative and policy agenda and trains members of the FASD community to serve as advocates. She was also an executive producer on the award-winning short film “The FASD Project,” and is a proud parent …
Podcasts: continuing education credits
Ep. 82: Public Health Efforts on FASD
In the second episode of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) special series, we explore the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s work addressing FASD and how scientific findings are helping shape prevention efforts.BONUS: Earn continuing education credits for listening. Scroll down to learn more.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:_____________________________________________________MotherToBaby: FASD Podcast - CDC's Work Addressing Prenatal Alcoholand Other Substance Use and …
Ep. 81: FASD Discovery and Prevalence
In this episode, Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones, one of the pioneers who first identified Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the United States in 1973, and Dr. Christina Chambers, a renowned epidemiologist who has conducted groundbreaking research on the prevalence of FASD, join host Chris Stallman, CGC, to discuss the discovery of FASD, its common physical and cognitive traits, and its prevalence today.BONUS: Earn continuing education credits for listening to our entire FASD 3-part series. …