Emily called MotherToBaby and confided, “My husband and I are thinking about getting pregnant…I am so excited but scared, too. I am wondering what I can do to make it more likely we will have a healthy pregnancy and baby.” I assured Emily that we love it when people call ahead of their pregnancy and ask these questions. Preconception health is a topic that does not receive as much attention as it deserves, and it is important for both Emily and her husband. Good preconception health …
The Baby Blog: prenatal vitamins
Shake it Up, Baby? Maybe Not. Considering Nutritional Shakes in Pregnancy
“I just found out I’m pregnant. Can I keep drinking my energy shake in the mornings?” “My doctor gave me the go-ahead to work out. Okay to have a protein shake after the gym?” “My immunity-boosting drink is a life-saver. Can I keep using it while I’m pregnant?” These are common questions during pregnancy, and ones that we hear a lot at MotherToBaby. Perhaps you’ve wondered the same thing yourself. As teratogen information specialists, we provide facts about how a woman’s exposure in pregnancy …
Folic Acid – Is More Really Better?
It was late on a Tuesday when a chat came in from Dr. Rodriguez. “My patient is taking a medication for epilepsy. She is planning a pregnancy and I’ve seen from some sources she may need to take more folic acid to help prevent birth defects. Does she need to be on a higher dose?” As teratogen information specialists, we receive many inquiries regarding folic acid; and it was understandable why this healthcare provider was confused as the guidance isn’t exactly straightforward.What is folic …
The A.B.C.’s of Prenatal Vitamins
If you are researching prenatal vitamins, we are guessing that you might be considering a pregnancy, or you just found out that you are pregnant. How exciting! We’re also guessing that you have some questions. Pregnancy does that to a woman: it makes us start questioning the safety of everything that we used to take for granted. At MotherToBaby, we answer many types of questions about exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But hands down, the most common question I’m asked about involves …
Empowering Moms this Mother’s Day and Every Day: Making the Most of Prenatal Appointments
By Lauren Kozlowski, MSW, MPH, MotherToBaby Georgia “I didn’t even know I should ask my OB about that!” It’s a reaction I hear almost daily as a teratogen information specialist (a fancy way of saying I’ve been trained in evaluating and communicating risks of exposures, like medications, during pregnancy). This particular caller’s reaction was like so many women going into their first appointment after finding out they were pregnant – she really didn’t know how to be her own best advocate. I …