Emily called MotherToBaby and confided, “My husband and I are thinking about getting pregnant…I am so excited but scared, too. I am wondering what I can do to make it more likely we will have a healthy pregnancy and baby.” I assured Emily that we love it when people call ahead of their pregnancy and ask these questions. Preconception health is a topic that does not receive as much attention as it deserves, and it is important for both Emily and her husband. Good preconception health …
The Baby Blog: recreational drugs
Dear Opioid-Addicted Moms-To-Be, We Are Here for You
By Dr. Sarah Običan, OBGYN, MotherToBaby Florida I feel really lucky. I have had the pleasure and privilege to live and work in some great cities and universities as an OBGYN. I spent my formidable residency years in Washington, DC and loved the diversity of my patients. Being that I was located in the heart of our nation’s capital, in one room I would deliver a princess of some far off nation, in the next, it’d be a dignitary from “the Hill.” But it wasn’t always rosy. Working in such a busy …
The Allure of Alcohol: Why do Women Continue to Drink during Pregnancy?
By Lori Wolfe, Certified Genetic Counselor and Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby North Texas Have you ever had a pregnant friend tell you, “it is OK to have just one glass of wine now and then, that’s what my doctor said,” or “my mother drank beer when she was pregnant with me, and I turned out fine.” As a Teratogen Counselor (a birth defects expert), I hear these statements more than you would imagine. You may think it is common knowledge that there is no safe level of alcohol …
Alcohol, Tobacco & Marijuana: What You Need To Know During Breastfeeding
By Beth Conover, APRN, CGC, MotherToBaby Nebraska So…you were really good during your entire pregnancy, giving up every drop of alcohol, quitting smoking tobacco, and, of course, avoiding any drug like marijuana. You were concerned about the development of your baby, and doing everything you could to make a healthy outcome more likely. Good job! But now here you are….you’ve had your baby, you’re giving breastfeeding your best shot…do you still need to be so careful? If you’re wondering this, …
Forging Ahead With Facts As Her Fuel
By Jennifer Lemons, MS, CGC, MotherToBaby Texas TIPS It was the longest 3 minutes of her life. As she opened her eyes to glance at the test, her heart stopped. She couldn’t breathe. Frantically, she tore open the instructions that came with the test to confirm what she already knew. She was pregnant. She laid her head on the bathroom stall, tears threatening to fall. It was then that the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. It was time to go to class. But all she could think was, “I’m only …