By Kirstie Perrotta, MPH and Sonia Alvarado, MotherToBaby California With wildfires seemingly becoming a year-round problem, pregnant women have more questions than ever before about exposure to smoke and lingering poor air quality. Understanding the possible risks from a fire during pregnancy or while breastfeeding can help people make informed decisions when the unthinkable happens. Here are some commonly asked questions we receive at MotherToBaby about wildfires. Q. What is in the air from …
The Baby Blog: allergies
Allergies, Asthma and Pregnancy…Oh My! Wait. Don’t Panic.
By Mara Gaudette, MS, CGC, Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby My friend Jocelyn, newly (and unexpectedly!) pregnant called in a bit of a panic. Her cardiologist was switching her high blood pressure medication now that she was pregnant. Jocelyn was still waiting for her asthma doctor to call her back but she figured her asthma treatment plan was another of the many changes she needed to make to accommodate the pregnancy. “Does anything stay the same?” she asked. Jocelyn was …
AH-CHOOsing the Best Way to Stifle Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy
Welcome, spring! Did someone say wildflowers? (AHHH...) Trees? (AHHH…) Grasses? (CHOO!) Ugh! While many people enjoy renewed energy brought on by the bursting forth of spring color, others feel only the misery of seasonal allergies due to pollen, mold, and other springtime triggers. Combine seasonal allergy symptoms with pregnancy, and you can end up short on sleep, long on fatigue, and with an increased chance of respiratory complications if you have asthma. None of these things are good for …
When The Sniffles Strike During Pregnancy: Cold Meds & Your Questions Answered
Is it a cold? The flu? It’s just miserable. It’s Friday afternoon and you have had a tickle in your throat since you woke up this morning, pressure behind your nose and in your forehead, and, a drippy nose. You are sure that you have a cold and it is not a flu or COVID-19. You have been trying to get a hold of your doctor because you want them to tell you what you can take because you are pregnant and worried about taking the wrong medication. With each hour that passes you know that it is …
Air Pollution, Allergies, and Asthma – When Breathing during Pregnancy Is Difficult
The air we breathe matters and often we do not have control over what is in it. For many, the Spring season brings beautiful flowers and a most welcome warming of temperatures, as well as spending more time outside. It also marks the explosion of pollen, which can irritate both those with allergies and people with asthma. Being outside to engage in outdoor activities also means we are exposed to any air pollution that may be present.Pregnancy is a sensitive time for both the parent and the …