Melissa, pregnant for the first time, live chatted with MotherToBaby through our website: “Hi, I’m 29 weeks pregnant and wondering about vaccines. I have seen so many different things online and I am worried about getting really sick while I’m pregnant. Can you help?”Melissa is not alone. Many people contact MotherToBaby to find the most up-to-date information about vaccines during pregnancy. Protecting yourself from circulating viruses can also help protect your developing baby. Infections such …
The Baby Blog: Infections & Vaccines
Special Edition Baby Blog: What Do All the Colors Mean? Zika, Pregnancy & Travel in a Post-Epidemic World
Back when Zika swept the western hemisphere, the travel recommendations for women who were pregnant or planning a pregnancy were clear: avoid any areas that had a risk of Zika infection. It was fairly easy to know where those areas were, as governments and public health organizations around the world worked tirelessly to identify and report cases. World maps showing areas of risk provided clear “yes/no” guidance. Was there any doubt about who shouldn’t travel where? Not really. Not back …
Kids, Pregnancy, and the Latest on COVID-19 Vaccines
By Kirstie Perrotta, MPH, MotherToBaby California and Lorrie Harris-Sagaribay, MPH, MotherToBaby North CarolinaWith schools back in full swing, fall activities underway, and children gathered once again in classrooms and other indoor settings, parents—including those who are pregnant—have renewed questions about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines. MotherToBaby is seeing an increase in questions from pregnant women who want to protect themselves and their families as much as possible. Although more …
When Yeast Overgrows: What You Should Know About Vaginal Yeast Infections During Pregnancy
Summer is here! For those of us who are pregnant (and I am currently in my third trimester of pregnancy), the heat and humidity are just a recipe for misery. But you know who loves heat and humidity? Yeast. And summertime is prime time for vaginal yeast infections. What is a vaginal yeast infection?Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida. All women have a balanced mix of fungus …
COVID-19, the Flu, and Zika: Considerations for Pregnancy in the Winter Travel Season
It’s that time of year again, when the holidays invite family gatherings, and colder, shorter days make us long for sunny destinations. Yes, the winter travel season is upon us! Remember winters past when COVID-19 wasn’t around and we’d never heard of Zika? When we didn’t give much thought to health concerns related to hopping on a plane or going to busy holiday venues? Things are different now. If you’re pregnant, you might pause before booking airline tickets or RSVPing “yes” to that extended …