We’re Collecting Info on Benlysta® When Taken in PregnancyMotherToBaby is currently enrolling participants into an observational study examining the use of Benlysta® (belimumab) for systemic lupus erythematosus (or SLE, a type of lupus) or active lupus nephritis (lupus-related kidney inflammation) when taken during pregnancy. Our research is by observation only—we will not ask you to take or change any medications. If you join our Benlysta® study, our team will simply collect some information …
The Baby Blog: Medication or Vaccine
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
Did you receive a dose in the last 2 months while pregnant?Since COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) became available, we’ve been enrolling pregnant people who received the vaccine into an observational study. The study has helped provide critical information to future moms-to-be and the medical community about the use of these vaccines during pregnancy. But there’s more to learn!We’re currently looking for people who received a dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in the last 2 …
Motegrity® (prucalopride)
Help Us Better Understand the Effects of Motegrity® in PregnancyMany people need to take medication during pregnancy to appropriately manage a chronic health condition. In some cases, avoiding or stopping medication use during pregnancy may be more harmful than taking medication. Yet fewer than 10% of medications have enough information to determine their safety for use in pregnancy — this is where you come in!MotherToBaby is currently enrolling people who are pregnant in a study examining the …
DYK: Pregnant women are excluded from clinical drug trials – huh?
When you think medication or vaccine safety, you think clinical drug trials. Right?! Clinical drug trials are research studies designed to gather information to determine whether a new medication or vaccine is safe and effective in people.However, what most people don’t know is that pregnant women are excluded from these studies when a new drug is being developed. Essentially, this means that once a medication is approved by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), it’s prescribed to …
Ilumya® (tildrakizumab-asmn)
Help Us Better Understand the Effects of Ilumya® in PregnancyMany people need to take medication during pregnancy to appropriately manage a chronic health condition. In some cases, avoiding or stopping medication use during pregnancy may be more harmful than taking medication. Yet fewer than 10% of medications have enough information to determine their safety for use in pregnancy — this is where you come in!MotherToBaby is currently enrolling people who are pregnant in a study examining the use …